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Wellness Classes
June Wellness Class Schedule
Evening Wellness Classes will include a light dinner
Click on the title for the class you would like to attend
Ultimate Wellness Group Program
Building Foundational Wellness
Presenter - Nadene Richter
The body KNOWS how to heal, we just have to provide it with the necessary tools and raw materials, and then create an environment for healing.
This 4-week Group Program will get you back on the road to wellness with practical tools you can start applying immediately.
You will learn:
The 3 primary drivers of disease
The Pillars of Health
How to regulate your immune system
The Role of the Gut
The Role of Hormones
Practical tools to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, increase energy and lose weight
Live (recorded) coaching sessions via Zoom. (1h15min).
Open Q&A - join these calls to get your questions answered, connect with your fellow classmates and to received support and accountability.
Facebook Group:
Join the Private Facebook Group to connect with others in the program, form new connections and friendships, hold each other accountable, cheer each other on and celebrate each others' successes.
Additional Tools:
Handouts, Recipes and Learning Resources

Gut Health Class
Good Digestion is Central to Good Health
Presenter - Nadene Richter
The GUT is where it's all at!!!
Contrary to the common myth, you are NOT what you eat!
You are what you eat, digest, absorb, convert to bioavailable form, get into the blood stream and past the cell membranes, INSIDE the trillions of cells in your body, where nutrients have cellular action. If anything in this cascade goes awry, nutrient deficiencies can occur. And the body doesn't run on calories. It runs on NUTRIENTS to perform thousands of biochemical functions per second, to keep your body systems functioning optimally.
Functional imbalances often begin in the gut, leading to symptoms and disease that can affect every part of the body - the skin, hair, nails, hormones, weight, mood, mental health, bones, joints, muscles and every organ in the body.
In this 2-hour class we will cover:
The phases of digestion
Eating hygiene
Why you want good stomach acid production
The importance of digestive secretions
The importance of the mucus membrane and how to nurture it
The importance of gut barrier function and what harms it
Taking out the trash - gut motility and DAILY bowel movements
Weight Loss Class
How to Lose Weight SAFELY and Keep It Off
Presenter - Nadene Richter
You look in the mirror and you hate what you see. You've lost your self-confidence and feel like your body is betraying you.
Maybe you've been told:
you just need to eat less and exercise more
you're just lazy and if you did the work, you will lose the weight
So you hit the gym and greatly restrict your calorie intake. You lose a few pounds but then fall off the wagon. You regain all the weight you lost, and then some. This is the pattern so many women fall into and there IS a better way.
In this 2-hour class we will cover:
Why we gain fat (you may be surprised by some of the reasons)
How your body feels about the extra pounds (it's not what you think)
Why dieting sets you up for more weight gain
When is weight loss a really bad idea
How to achieve sustainable weight loss

Thyroid Class
A Functional Approach to Thyroid Health
Presenter - Nadene Richter
Thyroid imbalances are becoming more common, but they are by no means normal. So many women struggle with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (although less common) and both of these can be extremely debilitating. It is estimated that +40% of hypothyroidism is undiagnosed. People are suffering, but when their labs come back "normal", they're told
It's all in their head
They're depressed and need medication
They're lazy and just need to exercise more
It's just part of getting older
I hear these stories all the time and they break me. There's a reason you are tired. There's a reason you're gaining weight. There's a reason your hair is falling out. It's not your imagination.
In this 90-minute class, we will cover:
How diet, stress and your gut impacts your thyroid
How your brain is involved in thyroid function
The key nutrients needed to make thyroid hormones
What happens to these hormones - where do they go and how does the body use them
The disservice of only checking TSH
Asking for the right lab work to assess the healthy of your thyroid
Spinal Hygiene Workshop
"Look to the Spine for Disease" - Hippocrates
Presenter - Dr. Barbara Hess
The most important organ in the body is the nervous system. It controls every function in the body, from cellular production, immune function, gut motility, organ function, sleep, energy production, muscular mobility and hormone balance. If the nervous system is dysfunctional, every other part of the body can be impacted.
In this 90-minute class, we will cover:
The fundamentals of the nervous system and how it functions
How to protect it
What harms it and causes interference
stretches and
Healthy postural habits
Interactive, practical demonstration of stretches and exercises that can be done at home